Exotic tropical fruits of Colombia
Colombia is the second most biodiverse country in the world and a paradise for fruit lovers. Here are some fruits you can find in Colombia and are considered as superfood all around the world.
Colombia is the second most biodiverse country in the world and a paradise for fruit lovers. Here are some fruits you can find in Colombia and are considered as superfood all around the world.
Here you can find our recommendations of the best coffee shops in Bogota where you can go and try the different brewing methods and also different coffee varieties.
The coca leaf is a sacred plant for the indigenous communities of South America, as they chew it they clarify their thoughts. It has great healing power for the body and soul.
La hoja de coca es una planta sagrada para las comunidades indígenas de Suramérica. Sirve para aliviar el alma y el cuerpo y se consume mascándola o en té.