What to eat in Andrés Carne de Res?
Many travelers ask us about the famous restaurant in Bogotá Andrés Carne de Res. What to eat, which one to go to, do you have to make a reservation? Here is our summary about this famous restaurant!
Many travelers ask us about the famous restaurant in Bogotá Andrés Carne de Res. What to eat, which one to go to, do you have to make a reservation? Here is our summary about this famous restaurant!
The arepa tops the list of Colombian foods most loved by locals and yet maligned and misunderstood by visitors. Offer it to many foreigners and they’d prefer to eat the
Now that Thanksgiving is done and and we enter into the holiday party season, we cannot forget what matters most – BOOZE! We do a good sampling of libations on our Foodie
En esta cuarta edición Expresiones Café se llevó el premio en la categoría de Bebidas de Autor con “Espresso Encantado”.