What to eat in Andrés Carne de Res?
Many travelers ask us about the famous restaurant in Bogotá Andrés Carne de Res. What to eat, which one to go to, do you have to make a reservation? Here is our summary about this famous restaurant!
Many travelers ask us about the famous restaurant in Bogotá Andrés Carne de Res. What to eat, which one to go to, do you have to make a reservation? Here is our summary about this famous restaurant!
Colombia is the second most biodiverse country in the world and a paradise for fruit lovers. Here are some fruits you can find in Colombia and are considered as superfood all around the world.
Here you can find our recommendations of the best coffee shops in Bogota where you can go and try the different brewing methods and also different coffee varieties.
There are around 75 types of arepas and they differ in the kneading, type of corn and cooking method.
En esta cuarta edición Expresiones Café se llevó el premio en la categoría de Bebidas de Autor con “Espresso Encantado”.
The coca leaf is a sacred plant for the indigenous communities of South America, as they chew it they clarify their thoughts. It has great healing power for the body and soul.
La hoja de coca es una planta sagrada para las comunidades indígenas de Suramérica. Sirve para aliviar el alma y el cuerpo y se consume mascándola o en té.
Hace unas semanas quise visitar un nuevo café en Bogotá que llamó mucho mi atención en redes sociales por su ubicación, quería conocer a su dueño y la historia detrás del proyecto ubicado en un área que sufrió gran deterioro urbano, el mal conocido Bronx también llamado la L. Un café que muestra la cara amable del renacer del sector.
Viajar no siempre es bonito, no siempre es cómodo, no siempre es perfecto. Mi percepción del viaje es muy diferente
Are you are looking for a special Thanksgiving dessert to make this year? Why not try a Colombian inspired dessert with familiar flavors and ingredients, but with a Latin twist. Although we
El turismo entendido como como un “FENÓMENO SOCIAL que actualmente abarca, no solo el mundo entero, desde el punto de vista geográfico, sino también todos los estratos y grupos sociales”[1]
The arepa tops the list of Colombian foods most loved by locals and yet maligned and misunderstood by visitors. Offer it to many foreigners and they’d prefer to eat the
Colombia’s cuisine does not yet have the reputation of some of its Latin American counterparts – Peru comes to mind – and thus remains something of an unknown entity in